Fused Silica Plano-Convex Lenses with 1064 nm Laser Line Antireflection V-Coating
Fused silica Plano-Convex lenses are the best choice for focusing parallel rays of light to a single point
UV grade Fused Silica meniscus lenses from CLZ Optics
UV grade Fused Silica meniscus lenses have one convex and one concave surface. The meniscus lenses can be useful to control laser beam of appropriate wavelength, it can minimise the spherical abe...
Fused Silica Optical Dome
Optical dome are lenses with two concentric spherical surfaces. Sometimes they are being referred to as bent plan parallel plates. Consequently it is customary to define parallelism between two sur...
Custom Optical Domes
CLZ Precision Optics are fabricated from quartz, glass, silicon in sizes up to 100mm diameter with included angles to 180 degrees and dimensional tolerances to +/-20 microns. Manufactured on a h...
Optical Domes Used Underwater
The optical dome is an important part of the deep-sea housings, it have wide-angle and can be protective the deep-sea camera.
Optical Domes Used On Pyranometer
CLZ Precision Optics is optical components manufacturer. In addition to manufacture the imaging system lens, we specialize in manufacturing optical domes.
heiße Produkte
Große optische Kuppeln als Sichtöffnungen mit hoher Druck in tauchfähigen Geräte(optische Kuppeln im Unterwasser)
Linsen aus Quarzglas für F-Theta Objektive